Below are a list of links to help you do research on your location\/genealogy\/historical societies and other areas. If you have a link that would help others, please submit it to us by email. Some require search parameters, so try different words to help you find your research topic.<\/p>
Digital Library of America<\/a><\/p> Hathi Trust<\/a><\/p> Google Books<\/a> Geographical Description of the States of Maryland and Delaware; Joseph Scott, 1807<\/a> 7<\/a><\/p> Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Guide; Charles P. Dare, 1856<\/a><\/p> Thomson’s Mercantile and Professional Directory for the State of Delaware, Maryland, Virginia<\/a>, . . . 1851-52<\/p> Family Search<\/a><\/p> Delaware Genealogy Website<\/a><\/p> Ancestry Genealogy Bank<\/a> Library of Congress – Map Division<\/a><\/p> Old Maps Online <\/a>— A map search engine for any need. The site interfaces with major map repositories. USGS Topographic Map Explorer<\/a> (many maps of the United States spanning over 100 years. Library of Congress, Print & Photographs<\/a> – The Library has a large collection of online images from Delaware. Enter search term.<\/p> Delaware Public Archives<\/a> – Official Website for the State of Delaware Public Archives Department<\/p> State of Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs<\/a><\/p> Delaware Heritage Commission<\/a><\/p> Hagley Museum Research<\/a><\/p> The Harold W. T. Purnell Photograph Collection<\/a><\/p> Delaware Public Archives – Photo Exhibits<\/a><\/p> The Delaware Collection<\/a> – an over 500 page link from the Delaware Public Archives to a vast digital collection of photos, documents, and recordings.<\/p> Delaware History Trail<\/a> – a website designed to help you plan your visit to historic Delaware<\/p> Kent County Tourism Corporation<\/a> – Quaint Villages of Kent County. A guide to help plan your visit to Kent County Delaware’s many small towns.<\/p> Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War<\/a> – a repository of Civil War military records from the Grand Army of the Republic.<\/p> Researching Your Family’s History from Ships Passenger Lists<\/a><\/p>
(Some books only display portions without purchasing the title) <\/p>
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