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Harrington Journals 1933-1998 – Greater Harrington Historical Society

Harrington Journals 1933-1998

Delaware Humanities

Thanks to a generous grant from Delaware Humanities, the Greater Harrington Historical Society has been able to have 39 complete years of the Harrington Journal, from 1949 to 1988, digitized. There are also pieces of years 1933-1940 and 1996 – 1998. Thanks to two grant from Delaware Humanities, we can share this resource with you! We cannot thank Delaware Humanities enough for their help in presenting this humanities content to the public. To donate towards the future efforts of the museum for this or any project, please click the donate button below. All donations are tax deductible.

In these pages can be found local, county, state and national news. Births, Marriages, Obituaries, and photos of the day.

To read a history of the Harrington Journal, click here

Also, the Harrington Journal, for years 2007-2017, are available through the Harrington Public Library online through a program called News Bank. To access these years, you will need to have a Delaware Library Card which can be obtained through the library, located on Center St in Harrington. There is no charge for this card or service. To access these years of the paper, click here.

To use these files, you must have Adobe Reader downloaded onto your computer. If you use Google Chrome as your web browser, Adobe is included. To download Adobe Reader, click here. Be sure to deselect any options offered and just download the program, then follow the on screen instructions and you will be read for your trip back in time!

The newspapers are sorted by year, then by week. Click on the year you want to read, then the week and the paper will open in Adobe. The files are set with OCR, Optical character recognition, allowing you to search each week’s edition for a specific word or topic

To utilize the search function of Adobe, find the magnifying glass icon. It should look like the picture below

A search window will pop up and you simply type in the word you are looking for. Then place your cursor on the next button and left click your mouse button to advance through the weeks edition you are searching. Its word found that matches your search will be shown one at a time.

Of course you can always just do it the old-fashioned way, and just read it like a newspaper! Either way we hope you enjoy the results of the endeavor. Again, a huge thank you to Delaware Humanities. To read more about them and the programs they are involved with, please click here.

Harrington Journal Library