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Hometown Heroes Banner Project – Greater Harrington Historical Society

Hometown Heroes Banner Project

The Greater Harrington Historical Society is proud to announce the Hometown Heroes Banner Program. The program serves as a tribute to recognize service men and women from the greater Harrington area who have served or are serving our country in a branch of the military.

The banners are 24” wide by 48” tall. Each individual banner will honor a specific Harrington area service man or woman and will include his or her picture, branch of service and era of service. Sponsors who may be friends, families, or businesses will pay for the Hometown Heroes Banners. Sponsorship will be named on the banners.

Banners will be displayed on the telephone poles around Harrington starting at Commerce St. The banners will be placed multiple times of the year, including Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Once the banners have ended their life cycle, they will be returned to the sponsor.

*Please note: There is no guarantee as to the life of the banner but, all retired banners will be returned to the sponsor.
Dedication will take place once the first 12 banners are purchased and received. A date will be announced later.

The cost of $200 for sponsorship from friends, families, or business includes the banner and fixtures.

Applications are available at the Harrington City Hall, Harrington Parks & Recreation, and the Greater Harrington Historical Society. You can download the application as well by clicking here.

Applications will be accepted on a continues bases. We must have ten applications to place the order. Applications will only be processed with a fully completed application, photo and a check or money order payable to: Greater Harrington Historical Society

Mail applications to:
Greater Harrington Historical Society
108 Fleming St
Harrington, DE 19952