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Wreaths Across America – Greater Harrington Historical Society

Wreaths Across America

The Greater Harrington Historical Society once again will be organizing the Wreaths Across America program. This program is designed to Remember, Honor, and Teach. This organization partners with over 2300 local organizations and cemeteries to honor our veterans during the December holiday season. Wreaths are sponsored through individuals, groups, or organizations at a cost of $17.00 per wreath. You can sponsor one, 5, 10, or more or you can setup a monthly sponsorship. This year we have THIRTEEN cemeteries to cover! Over FOUR THOUSAND WREATHS!

Then in December of each year, volunteers come out to the cemetery to place the wreaths and honor those men and women that served our country who are no longer with us.

We understand we have Veterans Day in the fall and Memorial Day in the spring, but our service members sacrifice their time and safety every single day of the year to preserve our freedoms.

In many homes, there is an empty seat for one who is serving or one who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. There is no better time to express our appreciation than during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. We hope you will join us at Hollywood Cemetery this year to show our veterans and their families that we will not forget. We will never forget.

We will need lots of volunteers as well to place that many wreaths that day. For more information on sponsoring a wreath, volunteering for the event or both!, please visit our Wreaths Across America web page at :
Wreaths Across America or you can download the form here: Wreath Sponsorship Form

You can also visit the museum or contact us for more information. Please consider sponsoring a wreath. Thank you